About ECHO

There is a learning loop where knowledge flows from specialists
                    to primary care providers. Primary care providers then share knowledge with each other, and they
                    also share knowledge of their local cultural norms with the specialists.

Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) is a movement to connect local primary care teams with inter-disciplinary specialist teams to spread knowledge and amplify local capacity to provide best practice care for complex chronic health conditions. ECHO’s goal is to enable rural and traditionally underserved populations to receive high-quality care, when they need it, close to home. This low-cost, high-impact intervention is achieved by leveraging technology to connect expert mentors and multiple local primary care providers in online video-conferencing sessions.

The Youth Trauma and Resilience ECHO will be held in biweekly one hour sessions, consisting of a brief lecture on a topic related to youth trauma and resilience and a review and discussion of 1-2 cases submitted by participants that we work through in a collaborative fashion to better support the youth and family.

Participation in the Youth Trauma and Resilience ECHO is freely available to professionals from youth serving systems and other stakeholders in Indiana. We would particularly like to collaborate with healthcare, education, child welfare, and juvenile justice professionals who would be interested in becoming a local expert in the field in their region of the state.